Your website is today your most obvious public facing asset. You have an obligation to your clients, your business and yourself to keep it safe, functional and delivering the results as originally intended. Regular maintenance goes a long way towards meeting these objectives :

Website Security Due Diligence

HDUK Limited is managed by professionals with years of corporate management experience delivering IT, Service and Compliance. The majority of our clients today are relatively small operations employing between 1 and 50 individuals, without the deep pockets or big budgets that a multi-national invests in

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Administrative Support

Updated prices, offers, promotions Changing trends, regulations, law Adding or removing static content Update contact information and links Grammar error corrections, modify Reviewing keywords, phrases, tags Minor Content Management

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Website Maintenance – Why ?

Internet Browsers are no longer a standard, stable reference platform – there is now a wide choice available, from multiple vendors, with frequent updates and ‘developments’  often due to discovered security risks. Hardware platforms too are constantly changing – Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Phablets, Mobile phone…

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When To Maintain Websites

For content that changes frequently ie daily or weekly you need a content management system (CMS) and a plan or schedule. A CMS can take many forms and are chosen based on the available skillset, the type of content being managed and cost.  Even with the best

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How To Maintain Websites

Maintenance is a time intensive service for which service levels and costs are determined on an individual basis. Hosting and Design UK provide fixed fee maintenance to our Hosting And Design clients. Maintenance updates can also be provided on a one off or ‘ad-hoc’ basis.

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Web Maintenance & Technical Support

Get an adhoc, on demand or a regular maintenance plan for Small, Medium or Large Businesses.
Tailored plans starting from £45.00 per month !